Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A Shocking Discovery

The other day I realized...I'm UnAmerican.

I discovered this as I was going through photos of our recent trip to Yellowstone National Park. You, know our nation's most beloved national park. And anyways, I finally admitted it. I hate Yellowstone.

While we were there it was a million degrees and crowded. Like Disneyland in June crowded. Like Times Square on New Years Eve crowded. No matter where we went there were hoards of people and absolutely no place to park.

And then the people....stopped and out of their cars in the middle of the road hooting and hollering at the wildlife, walking off the trails, ignoring posted signs, littering. It was crazy. It made me crazy.

Combine that with the over powering sulfur smells and the knowledge that if your children take a wrong step they'll fall through the earth's crust and be boiled alive. Not my idea of a good time.

Like I said, I'm admitting it---I don't like Yellowstone and that my friends is, in and of itself, enough to make me a bad American. However, I also hate clowns, hot dogs, Wal-Mart, and Julia Roberts. So, looking at myself in the grand scheme of things I can now see that I am clearly UnAmerican...

...which is really a shame, because I love my country (except for the clowny, hotdogish, Wal-Martified Yellowstone parts).

1 comment:

  1. See, you should have come to our house instead... it's about the same distance to drive to our house instead of Yellowstone. We have the beauty here too, but not the crazy crazy people that Jackson/yellowstone have this time of year. :) I don't think it makes you unAmerican, just normal. Other people shouting at the wildlife is crazy.
