Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Never Again is Confusing

At the end of October I felt my crimes of style had gone far enough and I gave myself a little intervention. "NEVER AGAIN!" vowed I. Never again would I be out in public wearing crocs and socks. Never again would I wear my "Dad's baseball playin" sweatshirt covered in paint stains to the UPS store. Never again would I show up at the gas station unshowered wearing ripped up t-shirts and too short pajama pants. No, never again.

And I haven't.


This change of apparel has caused concern, or at least raised eyebrows. Everyone from neighbors to cashiers have asked everything from "Why are you all dressed up?" to "What's wrong? Where are you going?" My favorite was the gas station attendant that told me one afternoon, "I seen you come in this morning and I knew something wasn't right."

Judging by the reactions I've gotten just wearing jeans and a T shirt that fits, my norm must be the crazy lady clothes. How did I turn into the bag lady mom? When did it happen? I don't know but I'm trying not to be her. (At least all the time) I even boxed up and put away all the too large and maternityesque clothing I own.

Yes, I said "boxed up" not "got rid of". While I'm ready to be a normal human being I'm just not willing to say goodbye permanently to crazy lady. I can't be too sure that crazy lady isn't the real liz and not her frightening alter ego. (You know like Bizarro Superman but in this case it's Bizarro liZ) So until I decide for sure those clothes will wait like skeletons in the closet for their rediscovery.


  1. I like you just the way you are. Why? . . . Because I'm not choosy worth a darn.

  2. Awww! I always think you look stylish! Probably because I am a t-shirt & jeans Mom who is the crazy lady. Good for you for boxing up stuff. I really should do that too. I'm sure my family would thank me.
