Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Yesterday we were all sick (swine flu) and very tired. I piled the kids in the car to find a drive thru with Dr.Pepper. (A drive thru so we wouldn't expose the universe to our illness). Anyway, I'm feeling so sick and the sun seemed so bright I was thinking this may have been a very bad idea.

Just when I start to feel hopeless Simon says, "Mom, do you like peaches?"
Me: "Sure"
Simon: "Well, good, 'cause they're just like your hair: round, fuzzy, and sweet."

It made me laugh all the way to Betos where I purchased a very large and tasty Dr.Pepper. Later my family said that he probably heard something similar to that on Ice Age 3 at their house last weekend. So what I said. The execution and timing of it was priceless. They may be crazy but I thank God everyday for my kids. Twice yesterday.

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet boy! We also had the swine flu... well Donna was the confirmed case. The rest of us were just icky I guess. I hope you are all recovered!
