Monday, July 19, 2010

White Trash

A little while ago I was pondering my progress down the slippery slope to White Trashhood. In fact it was the day after the rodeo as I was driving down to the gas station in my pajamas with my 48 oz. refillable mug. Which, looking back on the situation, should have all by itself cinched the deal for me but it didn't.

You see, I was thinking about the night before how we had attended a rodeo where we had snuck in treats, hooped and hollered at the cowboys, enjoyed a motor cross exhibition at half-time, and then let our kids fall asleep to a movie while we played games with my siblings. What have I become I wondered...

..white trash. Yes, white trash. It was confirmed this weekend in the Targee National Forest in Idaho.

Here are the facts:
me in my pajamas
driving a 4 wheeler
from the cabin to a gas station
to buy a giant soda.

me + pajamas + Idaho + 4wheeler + giant soda = White Trash.

There's nothing left to say.

1 comment:

  1. Liz I love you. You crack me up and make my day. I don't know why it takes me so long to get back to reading your posts.
