Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Tis the Season for Explanations

It's that time of year again...Autumn. Which means Simon's birthday party and Halloween. Which means the season for explanations is upon us.

I have big feelings about letting my kids choose what kind of costumes they want to wear for Halloween and what kind of birthday parties they have. I love giving them that freedom and helping them turn what they see in their minds into realities. The only problem is that while the kids love it, it leaves pretty much everyone else confused, and then the explanations begin.

For example this year Simon will be having a "moon" birthday party where we will be fighting aliens (aka---my husband dressed up in a costume while the kids pelt him with wire scouring balls we bought at the dollar store). Try delivering invitations for a "moon party". The only way it could sound weirder is if Simon called it a "mooning party". But I digress, so back to the subject...

Could he possibly choose something a little more traditional like a Buzz Lightyear or a Star Wars Party? No. So, it's a moon party with aliens and moon rocks and astro gloves.

And when I think about it, it really is a little more traditional than years past. For instance, last year we held the "Bad Guy Birthday Party" and the year before that it was an "Olympic Birthday Party" and the year before that we had a "Tiki Room Birthday". So in our party history this is the most "normal".

Simon's birthday party is the end all event of the year for him and he's so excited again this year. In fact, he so excited you could say he's "over the moon" about it. I hope it's all that he's imagined. Wish me luck. I've never made an alien costume before. (Let's just hope I don't have to explain what that is to.)

Oh---and with Halloween on the horizon I'm bound to be found in the yard with Simon working on the Homemade Robot Costume of Doom Part 2.

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