Thursday, December 9, 2010

I Can't Believe I Said It Again

This blog is named after an incident where I found myself yelling at Simon in my mother's entry way as he was opening a can of whoop on her giant poinsettia plants.

In fact that scene was the catalyst for the creation of the blog. I started thinking about all the insane things I say, do, and have happen to me everyday and I thought I better write this stuff down because when I tell my kids these stories later they'll never believe me.

Who knows, maybe they won't believe me even having them written down. Heck, I don't believe half of them myself and I'm the one they happened to..... this one:

I said it again...

This afternoon I found myself walking into the kitchen and yelling "Gracie!!! Don't Punch the Poinsettia's!!!"

Who knew that would happen twice?

Not me.
(How was I supposed to know that my children have been genetically altered to hate poinsettias?)

But there she was, standing on the kitchen table going mid-evil on my brand new poinsettia plant. Fists flying. Leaves dropping. Me yelling.

Don't believe it when they tell you that lightening doesn't strike twice.

I'm just praying I don't start reliving all the incidents from this blog...the working at Hooters (which I never did), the cat getting stuck on my head, the mating of plastic horses (if you didn't read about it...don't ask), and, well, pretty much every other story I've ever chronicled....I just don't think I can take it again.

Oh and kids just wait...One day when you're grown, you'll find me in your home during the holidays and what will I be doing? I'll be giving your poinsettias the beat down of their lives. And that will be a story you can believe.

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