Monday, March 21, 2011

World's Worst Social Reformer

I'm the world's worst social reformer.

Remember that complaint I filed about my local gas station firing all my beloved soda serving employees? Well, I got a response. Three of them to be exact. The company said that looked into my complaint and would be putting the store under new management (again), was very sorry for what had happened, and hoped that I would return soon.

Ok---so, I know that this big chain of gas stations really doesn't care about what I think or the nice people that got canned but, last Tuesday I stopped by to see if they really had changed things up like they promised. And to my surprise, they had.

A whole new, unsleezy crew was working there. And the thing is, if I started to frequent the place again I can see myself liking these people. But what about the ones that were fired unjustly??? Do I just forget them? Where are they? Why can't they just come back?

I swore I'd never go to the store again...but the company did try to fix what had happened...but I just want them to track down the old employees and rehire them. I know, I ask too much. And what makes everything worse is the fact that I'm tempted to go there again...the new crew seems likable and not all nasty and evil like the ones who came in and gave my buddies the boot.


Am I making too big of deal out of this or is big business getting the best of me?

Will I ever be able to stand up for the little guys? Can a Dr.Pepper addict like me ever make a difference? Probably not, and that is why I will voluntarily declare myself to be the world's worst social reformer.

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