Monday, April 26, 2010

An Answer to one of Life's Mysteries

This weekend I had one of life's mysteries answered for me.

If one farts in the cold does it form a smoke cloud?

And the answer is: Yes, yes it does.

This weekend I was running a race. It started in the middle of the desert at 6:30 a.m.. Now, don't let the desert thing throw you off. It was cold. Dang freaking cold. We had to be on a bus headed to the start line at 5:30 where we were dumped out and left to wander in the freezing wilderness. AND IT WAS COLD!!! My hands and feet went numb before the race started cold. See your breath when you are talking cold. That cold. But I digress....

The race begins, daylight starts to peek over the mountains, and I'm slogging uphill when I see highlighted by the rising sun a puff of smoke exit the behind of the man in front of me. (If I'm lyin' I'm dyin') And simultaneously my brain thinks two things: #1--HOLD YOUR BREATH! and #2--If you fart in the cold it will indeed make a smoke cloud. Interesting.

Now, is it gross to dedicate a post solely to fart clouds? Yes.

But don't tell me you've never wondered about it before. Come on, admit it. (And if you haven't I'm sure your husband has.) And now you can both stop wondering. The answer has been confirmed. So instead of judging me harshly just consider this a public service announcement and remember it next time you are enjoying the cold outdoors.


  1. I believe Kansas said it best, "The answer is blowing in the wind." or something like that...

  2. RJ is so excited to try this now. He already tried to make the fire bigger last year by farting on it. Didn't work. Now he wants it that cold. haha!

  3. Now I have atleast three good reasons why I should stay far away from running and races: Number one-it is too cold; number two-I never wake up at 5:00 in the morning for anything! Number 3-I have no desire to run behind, beside, or even in front of cloud tooting people (myself included). So thank you Liz for helping me know for sure that I will never take up running or racing.
