Friday, April 9, 2010

Maybe Not Mother of the Year but Still...

This weekend I spent 5 hours tucked in the back seat of a small car.

I was sandwiched between my two small children, their enormous car seats, and all their road trip paraphernalia.

Jon had to work so it was my kids and I tagging along with my family.

As we sped down the road I realized that my kids had me captive. Simon took full advantage of this and I fielded an onslaught of never ending questions...What color is the Easter bunny? What happens if you drink your own blood? Is grandpa's truck faster than an earthquake? Meanwhile Grace spent her time "doing my makeup" and begging to be held. And during all of this my sister was playing a random mix of Lady Gaga, the Glee soundtrack, and so forth.

When we came to a gas station in the middle of nowhere I was happy for a break. My two siblings bopped out of the car and disappeared. I unbuckled both kids and literally climbed out of the car.

Simon had to potty and so did I but I couldn't find either of my siblings for a helping hand. That left me alone to face the restroom with the kids. If you've never taken two children in a stall and held one of them all while making sure you and the 5 year old potty and that no one touches the toilet or door or floor...don't. It's is highly unrecommendable. I almost had a hernia trying to keep my kids from getting germafied. It was not the best few minutes of my life but we came out clean and ready to go again.

Feeling proud we perused the gas station aisles for treats. Which we bought and headed for the car. Um, did I mention it was storming? If I didn't, it was. Picture Dorthy in Kansas on her bike...except in the middle of the desert.

And my brother, trying to be polite to other customers pulling in , had moved his car to the other side of the parking lot after filling up. Sure, that's nice and all but I still had to get myself and two kids back into it and now it's parked a bazillion miles a way! Thanks.

He flashes his lights so I can spot him through the dust and flying debris. So here we come, Simon hanging onto my leg afraid he's about to be blown away and me carrying Grace, a fountain drink, 2 milk chugs, and 1 giant bowl of crappy popcorn.

As the popcorn blew away kernel by kernel and I realized we were only half way home I thought I may not be the mother of the year but if we all make it home alive I deserve a medal.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You do deserve a medal! I too dislike taking the kids potty in the public restrooms. ick! Hooray for hand sanitizer!
