Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Another Rule For Jon

I have some rules that Jon has to follow if he wants to remain alive. These rules have come about from unfortunate experiences in our marriage. For example, and at the top my list, is that Jon CAN NOT EVER under any circumstances get Simon a haircut. Long story but a good rule. On his ever growing list I've just added yet another rule.

Jon can not buy Simon shoes. Yesterday he took Simon to Wal-Mart and Simon came back sporting a pair of rainbow, Velcro, Yo Gabba Gabba tennis shoes. They have plastic windows with all the characters waving out at me. All of them---Muno, Plex, Foofa, Toodee, and Brobee! Does Simon really need someone named Foofa riding around on his feet? The only good thing I can say about the shoes is thank goodness the designers ran out of room for DJ Lance Rock.

Seriously, no more shoes for Simon from Jon.


  1. I'm appalled that you even let Simon watch Yo Gabba Gabba. Maddux asks if he can almost every day and the answer is no every time. Our rule is just that you're not allowed to buy themed clothing (nothing with a character and stuff on it). Nuff said.

  2. You are so funny; I think most parents would jump at the chance to shoot whoever makes those dumb character shoes; they obviously don't have kids, or they'd know it's a definate no no:) Also, so sorry about your MC Hammer and Vanilla Ice tickets; you totally deserve to go! I'll let you know how it is!!! (J/K)
